Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chapter 10 Tutorials Web 2.0 My Choice Chapter

In Chapter 10, many free programs for computers are explained and offered. I found this interesting especially because with the new popularity of NetBooks to travel with. Often these have a limited access to programs.

The program that I liked was ", where you can write and share and edit. It was suggested to copy and paste into the writer from a word processor so you can have the benefit of all the options before you put it on Zoho to be shared.

Another program was the Open Source painting tool, Tux Painter at :
Class Blogmeister for Educational Use was also a good option. The last program I looked at and was familar with was Google Earth and Google Reader both are popular and useful.


  1. Thank you for your excellent blog on Chapter 10. I haven't decided which additional chapter to consider so now I can try one of the others. Thank you also for including the sites so that we can just click on them to try them--free is good.

    Did you use one of these sites to add the rose? It is very pretty.

  2. I used the state DKG site to add the Rose as I had worked with it at the Leadership Conference in Anchorage and it was easy, EASY is good! Thanks for the feedback!!!!
